We are absolutely delighted to introduce our reading patron – Stewart Foster
‘Hi All, I’m Stewart Foster, author of The Bubble Boy and All the Things that could go Wrong, but most importantly I am the Patron of Reading at Springwood Heath. Over the past two years I’ve visited a number of times and on each occasion I have been overwhelmed by the warmth of both the pupils and staff. Springwood Heath has become my home from home and I hope that during the next year I can inspire children to read stories, but also write stories of their own. We’re going to have a great time for sure.’
Even after just one visit to our school, we knew that we had met an incredible, genuine person who really ‘got’ us. By his second visit, Stew was firmly established as a member of our Springwood Heath family.
Stew’s second visit consisted of a trip into town with the children to buy some books (obviously!) a run up the steps at L1, a Boccia tournament, a special session with Y6 and Y5 who had been reading his books ….what more could we ask for from an author visit?! To quote Stew himself, ‘days like yesterday come at cost but the result is priceless.’
Following his first visit to us, Stew wrote this on Twitter.
‘Yesterday was my best day as a writer and today I feel a little empty.
I have never met so many wonderful people doing such wonderful things.
Teachers, teaching assistants, carers…I said you were special-not as in needs-but in the special way you face and overcome your challenges. It left me both emotional and inspired and this morning, when I woke up, I found myself missing you all.
And now a message to all writers and headteachers. Please be aware of how important we are to each other.
Writers, please go out of your way and visit incredible place like this. Heads, yes, times are hard but please find a space in your budgets for us. Days like yesterday come at cost but the result is priceless.
Today I am so glad I am a writer, not for the books, or the publicity, but for the wonderful, humble, people it allows me to meet.’
Learn about Stewart by clicking here
28th February 2025
Friday 14th February
Friday 7th February
17th January 2025